Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why can't we jump from being adorable babies to teenagers?

I know i just did a blog today, but i am making a new one because i want to make it up to you guys, and just because i love you all!

Here's the thing i love kids! Just not the bad, bratty, snot-nosed little kids.
Life would be sooo much better if when we turned three we would automatically jump to being 17. Maybe 16 if you were mature.

It sound kinda mean saying that, but little kids are either "pull out your hair annoying." or "aww you're just precious!" And not trying to be biase dor anything but boys are the worst. Although little girls are typically way brattier.

However there are some kids who are so cute, drawing pictures for you, giving you nicknames, singing you are my sunshine and the like. I love little kids when theyre like that.

But what i reaaaally wish we could skip? Little boys ahes 9-15. They act like complete jerks in front of their friends, but if you noticed when they are by themselves they actually act nice! Saying exscuse me or if its your friends little brother and she asks him to make toast for you cause you;re hungry he;ll say "what do i look like? a slave?" laugh and then say "just kidding" and make the toast. Why is this?

Girls aren;t immune to this. If i could skip girls ages it would be the whole "im so sexy stage" ages ranging typucally from 14-19. Have some self-respect, please? I mean i know you want to be famous but pretending to be 18 or going on Girls Gone Wild is NOT the way.

You knew it was coming. If you could erase this age which would it be and why?

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