Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why can't we jump from being adorable babies to teenagers?

I know i just did a blog today, but i am making a new one because i want to make it up to you guys, and just because i love you all!

Here's the thing i love kids! Just not the bad, bratty, snot-nosed little kids.
Life would be sooo much better if when we turned three we would automatically jump to being 17. Maybe 16 if you were mature.

It sound kinda mean saying that, but little kids are either "pull out your hair annoying." or "aww you're just precious!" And not trying to be biase dor anything but boys are the worst. Although little girls are typically way brattier.

However there are some kids who are so cute, drawing pictures for you, giving you nicknames, singing you are my sunshine and the like. I love little kids when theyre like that.

But what i reaaaally wish we could skip? Little boys ahes 9-15. They act like complete jerks in front of their friends, but if you noticed when they are by themselves they actually act nice! Saying exscuse me or if its your friends little brother and she asks him to make toast for you cause you;re hungry he;ll say "what do i look like? a slave?" laugh and then say "just kidding" and make the toast. Why is this?

Girls aren;t immune to this. If i could skip girls ages it would be the whole "im so sexy stage" ages ranging typucally from 14-19. Have some self-respect, please? I mean i know you want to be famous but pretending to be 18 or going on Girls Gone Wild is NOT the way.

You knew it was coming. If you could erase this age which would it be and why?

From Japan, er, Canada with love.

Hiya guys! So sorry that i haven't blogged since the 27th of February. Wow. My room is finally unpacked and guess what?!

IM GOING TO JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why, you ask? Because im going on an exchange program. With EF. I need to raise 9,000$
*deep breath.* If i don't well i guess i am not going. I have an interview next week. So i guess i shouldn't say im going to Japan yet, since if they dont like me in my interview, i might as weel kiss this goodbye. Eh, i could go with YFU or AFS instead. Maybe. I know i abuse the comma button, bit for years i never knew when to use it exactly, so no i tend to overuse it. Hehe.

I love Japan. The clothes, makeup, fashion, music, geisha, technology, toys, sushi, mochi, pocky, Hello Kitty, everything. Wapanese? Maybe, i dont really care what you call me. This will et me learn about a majestic (yes i just said majestic) culture and become more independent from my family. Besides, i'll get to learn another language too.

Sorry for the rambling people, i'm just sooo super excited.

And for the daily question. Have you ever went on an exchange program? Or ever visited a far away place?

Friday, February 27, 2009

10 Embarassing Facts About Me:

This particular blog is going to be about, as the title says, embarassing things about me.

1. I played with Bratz until i was 13. Yes, i am a loser. But i just really only dressed them up and played for less then 10 minutes. I just loved picking outfits for them and naming them. But i could never get into them...

2. I am a total Sims fanatic! I can spend hours searching the internet for custom sims everything. I have nearly all of the expanison packs. :D

3. I cant sleep by myself. Not because im scared, but because it really bugs me if there is the big space on my bed, and just me sleeping on it. I dunno why.

4. Im a total child of the 90's. Rugrats, Aqua, Spice Girls, Britney Spears, CatDog, Whatevr is 90s i want it back! I listen to music from the 90s with no shame, while people stare at me like im crazy. I watch all the 90's cartoons i can with pride! YEAH.

5. I dont know how to ride a bike, skate, rollerblade, or drive (barely.) As you can tell im not very athletic. Whatever.

6. I had a crush on a guy for SIX years. Oh no. But not anymore, i was *gasp* rejected. i guess i never really liked him cause i got over it in like a day. lol.

7. I really love asian dramas. They are so cute. I dont know why this is embarassing thoug, since they're good. Jusst mose people think im weird for watching a show i cant even understand (the language, they mean.) But asian dramas are sooo much better than American/Canadian shows.

8. About 80% of my money goes to makeup/beauty products. 10% of it goes to food. and the other 10% goes to clothes. I knwo i spend to much on makeup...

9. I am so scared of zombies. Im not kidding. The remake of Dawn of The Dead made me like this. Zombies that can run? Yikes! Before that movie i used to laugh at how all these people who got infected by them, i mean come on! they used to move slower than fricking snails! But after it, well i became so afraid of zombie... im just waiting now.

10. I used to be so shy, i would always wear my jacket, even in really hot summer weather. I was souch a douche nozzle. But now im alot more outgoing and playful.

Well those are my embarassing moments. What about you ladies and fellas? You don't have to tell me 10 embarassing things. Just one.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Best Soup Ever.

okay so today i had to make soup, and we basically had nothing. I am going to show you HOW to make this delicious soup, or should i say tell? Whatever. Tell it is.

One- maybe two pounds of ground beef (if you want two pounds.)
Three Cans of tomato soup,
rosemary(4 pinches),
4 medium sized potatoes,
around 4-5 cups of water(add more if you want, or use less if you want too.),
can of bean salad,
rotini (whole box),
half a cup of barley,
pepper (NO SALT, heartattack much?) as much as you want., and thats it.
Step 1: Fill a large sized pot with an inch of water, then put the pound of ground beef into it and allow to cook. (add pepper and rosemary.)

Step 2: When ground beef is "brown" or cooked fill halfway and add barley (i used half a cup). Barley is done when it starts boiling up with the water (about 15-20 minutes)

Step 3: Open up your can of bean salad, and rinse out all the liquid in it. Pick out onion pieces (if there is any.) Then add to the pot.

Step 4: peel your potatoes. Add the cans of tomatoe soup. Add more pepper. Step 5: Cut up the potatoes and add to the pot (since they will take long to cook. About 5-10 minutes, or until they are soft.

Step 6: Add the whole box of rotini after potatoes have been cooking for 10 minutes( or are soft).

Step 7: Let everything cook together, until the rotini is done cooking. (good way of cheking if pasta is done? throw it against the wall. If it sticks, its done.)

Step 8: let it cool off, since it will be very hot.

Step 9: Enjoy yout delicious best soup ever . So yes, this recipe is wonderful, even the pickiest person on my family liked it. If he likes it, you will too. This can feed anywhere from 8-16 people. mmm, mm, delicioso.

I know im not talking about my life, but im really bust right now, trying to move intothe new house and all. TTYL ladies and gents.

Ps, as always Did you make this soup? Did you like it? Will you make it?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

...sorry i haven't blogged.

but im in the middle of moving too. so sorry.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Birthdays, man i'm getting old.

First off, Happy Birthday my little sister, Danica!!! iFlu.

Okay, let's get on with it. Today on February 17th, was my little sisters birthday. She is 12. And me? im 16, going to be 17 on August 19th. 17 isn't old you say? YES IT IS. Then after that i'mg going to be 18, then 19, then 20, and so on, and so on. Soon i'll be 30!

Maybe i'm making a big deal, but i want to be 16 forever. My hairs shiny, my skin is smooth, i can eat what i want, when i want. To top it off im old enough to know better, but young enough not to care... Le Sigh. I love being young, it's just the funnest time, you can flirt with boys, date boys, and basically you feel invinicble. Bad frme of mind? possibly, but meh.

Growing up sucks because of; Bills, Jobs, Buying your own things like clothes, hygiene products, amongst others, getting wrinkles, having kids (kidding!), more responsibility.
Growing up rocks because of; being able to legally drink(also eww), drive, smoke (eww), freedom. Really growing up can be good, or bad. Depending on how you see it. Anyways see you guys, i'm already looking at Green Valley nursing home for old people. :(

My question, or should i say questions today for you are:
How old are you?
What rocks about gorwing up?
What sucks about growing up?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Make-up. So beautiful, So You. So... Fetch?

Phew, that was mouthful... haha. Im guessing that you guessed, that i love makeup. No lies, babes. Make-up is my number one fashion, i literally have thousands of dollars worth of makeup.
Some people will be like 'eww, why.', 'guys hate makeup.', 'makeup is for whores.' Truth be told, i honestly dont care. I buy makeup because it makes ME happy. I dont buy it to please anyone else. No, no, no, no, no <---- Ducky.

It lets me express who i am and how i am feeling. I dont follow rules on makeup, i believe that if you can rock it and not be shy, than go for it. Wait that's not true here are a few i follow. Always use a foundation that matches your skin. Plucked eyebrows make a pretty frame. Highlights make your eye look. Eyeshadow primers are a must. So those are my own rules. I dont follow any other rule. Nope. That is just ridiculous that some people say that only brunettes can wear purple or something else like that.

Also, makeup, at least for me isn't just a hobby. I plan on becoming a makeup artist, and going to a cosmotology school. No, it wont be my only career. I plan on being a writer, and a lawyer. How will i do it? Writing in my spare time, makeup when i need extra cash, or when im bored, and being a lawyer 5/7 days of the week.

My lovely ladies and gents, as always, do you LOVE makeup or hate it? Explain why. Kisses. xox